Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
Kensworth is a fully inclusive school. We firmly believe that all children can make great individual progress and do so in a supportive, happy community. We work closely with families and actively encourage parents and carers to come into school to meet with class teachers and the SENCo. We hold 'My Plan' meetings termly, when small achievable targets are set with you and your child. But our open door policy means we can meet more regularly if your child's needs are greater.
SENDCO | Mrs S Bowley | senco@ken.dsamat.co.uk |
The school receives support from Mrs S O'Neill- DSAMAT Inclusion lead (SENDCo)- weekly
Reporting to governors and parents
Support for families
If you have a concern, or would just like to chat to someone regarding your child's needs, please contact your child's class teacher or Mrs Dryden to arrange this, using the office email address:
Further information about special educational needs
Bedfordshire CAMHs are launching a podcast called ‘CAMHs Talk’. This is a fortnightly podcast that is being produced by CAMHs's young people and staff. The podcast is user led and will include topics such as who works here, interviews with staff and user participation. You can subscribe to the podcast through all of the main streaming channels, including Spotify and iTunes.
CAMHs Talk also has a twitter account called @CAMHsTalk.com.
SNAP PCF is a pro-active group of Central Bedfordshire parents who all have children or young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) between the ages of 0-25 years.
Intervention groups
At Kensworth it is part of school life to be part of a group outside of the normal classroom day. We strive to extend and stretch all children's learning and development to achieve a greater depth of understanding.
For example, small group work can be:
Fine motor (hand writing)
Social skills games group
5 minute daily keep up phonics (RWI)
More able maths
More able English
Keep up maths games
Keep up writing
Lego Therapy
A note is sent home each term informing parents/ carers if their child is to be part of a group. The groups are moved around the school day each half term.
If you would like more details please speak to your child's class teacher.
Parent Partnership
There are a number of useful information booklets that you can access here.
Please see below flyer for the Central Bedfordshire Council SEND Parent and Young Person Partnership Service information, advice & support Spring Term Drop Ins held in local Children’s Centres together with a leaflet regarding their service.
CBC SEND Parent & Young Person Partnership Service
Direct Dial: 0300 300 8088