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Our school value this half term is Perseverance
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Kensworth CE Academy

With God by our side, we can move mountains

PE Curriculum Statement


  • By the time children leave Kensworth C E Academy, we want them to be able to cover the aims of the National Curriculum and be physically literate children.
  • Our curriculum reflects the needs of our children and its context by including a range of sports, skills and games to allow childrens growth mindset to flourish. It allows children to be able to succeed and take ownership and pride in their work therefore it is a working document.

  • The National Curriculum sequences out the expectation and structure for each key stage in the primary phase. We have also created a curriculum progression document to make it clear which objectives each year group should be covering and when as well as a whole school overview to show what is being taught when.

  • We provide a safe and supportive environment for children to flourish in a range of different physical activities which is essential in supporting their physical, emotional, spiritual, social and moral development.

  • We aspire for children to adopt a positive Growth Mindset and believe that anything can be achieved with determination and resilience



  • Our current curriculum matches our intention by giving children the opportunity to take part in a range of different activities.

  • Year 4 children take part in Young Leaders training each year which we intend to develop when they reach Year 6. The Play Leaders develop into sporting role models for the younger children, assisting with and organising games at break times.

  • Our teaching is designed to build on pupils previous learning through our curriculum progression document and therefore, pupils revisit strands and remember content long term.

  • CPD opportunities are offered to teaching staff across the year based on their needs, weaknesses, skills, cohort etc.

  • Children are encouraged to take part in an active activities outside of school.

  • Pupils participate in at least 2 hours of high-quality PE lessons each week, covering one or two different sports/ skills focuses each half term.

  • Physical activity is embedded throughout the school day through initiatives such as GoNoodle, BBC Supermovers, Just Dance and Imoves active blasts.

  • Active travel is encouraged, and we take part in the annual Big Pedal and Walk to School Week events.

  • Children are encouraged to stay active at break times and can access a variety of equipment to use.

  • Children are invited to attend competitive sporting events and festivals within the local area and beyond. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by children.



At Kensworth CE Academy School, we ensure that our PE curriculum is progressive and allows children to develop fundamental skills and apply them to a variety of sports and activities. All children are provided with the necessary skills and given opportunities to demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best. Our pupils are physically active, and this has a positive impact on their learning in the classroom. Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of regular exercise. We aspire for children to enjoy PE and develop a love of sport and physical activity which becomes part of their future life outside of primary school. Children can represent the school at sporting events from local to county level. Alongside this, we share sporting achievements both in and out of school in Collective Worship and on our website or through Class Dojo, so that we are promoting sports and activities, as well as celebrating all levels of success.

