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Our school value this half term is Thankfulness
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Kensworth CE Academy

With God by our side, we can move mountains


There is a weekly expectation that children:


Read at least three times a week, either to an adult or independently, and have their reading record written in.  Comments on how your child read are always welcomed, but a signature or your initials will suffice.


Practise their spellings, using the list sent home.  Weekly spellings will be sent home every Monday and can also be found on the 'Weekly Spellings' page available on the main Class page.


Practise times tables by logging onto their TT Rockstars personal account.  Children can also use the printable resources that can be found on the 'Times Tables' pages available on the main Class page.


Please find the link here: TT Rockstars.


Children will also bring home a termly homework programme, with a range of activities covering a variety of topics from the curriculum. They can complete as many of these as they wish and can then bring their work in, share a photograph on Class Dojo or talk about it with the class.   We would also be delighted if you shared any visits or experiences via Class Dojo.
