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Our school value this half term is Perseverance
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Kensworth CE Academy

With God by our side, we can move mountains


In reception, we begin our phonics journey by consolidating the learning that will have already taken place in a nursery or preschool.  Children will be supported to recognise a range of sounds; environmental, instrumental, rhyme and alliteration as well as some initial letter sounds they may have learnt.


We will then begin a daily timetable of small group phonics that begin by introducing children to individual letter sounds using the Read Write Inc (RWI) programme and then moving onto more complex vowel and consonant diagraphs (two letters making one sound) and trigraphs (three letters making one sound).  We use a range of strategies and programmes to teach phonics to ensure that children are engaged and enjoy the sessions.  


You can find out more about Read Write Inc below.
