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Our school value this half term is Perseverance
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Kensworth CE Academy

With God by our side, we can move mountains

Forest School

Chestnut class have weekly Forest School sessions  led by our forest school leader, Mrs Whitmore. Children are naturally inquisitive and stimulated by the great outdoors. Forest School allows children the opportunity to explore, take risks and learn new skills in a variety of ways. Forest School allows those who are unfamiliar with woodlands and green spaces to become confident in using them and this can form the foundation of a life-long relationship with natural spaces.


Forest School over time increases self-belief, confidence, learning capacity, enthusiasm, communication, problem-solving skills and emotional well-being. Forest School also links in very well with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and provides many opportunities to develop skills and knowledge in all seven learning areas.


Children should come into school on a Thursday in their Forest School clothes and wellies should be left in school. In Forest School we are out in nearly all weathers therefore please dress your child appropriately for the weather conditions. A full change of clothes and spare shoes should be brought in separately in a named bag (including socks!).
