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Our school value this half term is Thankfulness
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Kensworth CE Academy

With God by our side, we can move mountains

Oak Class - Years 3 and 4

Welcome to Oak - our mixed Year 3 and 4 class


We hope you enjoyed the summer break and are ready for the new academic year.  Above you will find pages that provide specific information about our class.


Our PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays and children should come into school dressed in their PE kit on both those days.  Earrings must not be worn for PE, so should be taken out and left at home and long hair should be put up or tied back.  


Please check that all your child's belongings are named including their water bottle and lunch box.


Our topic learning this term is 'Our Planet, Our World'.  This topic teaches children to locate countries and cities, and use grid references, compass points and latitude and longitude. They learn about the layers of the Earth and plate tectonics and discover the five major climate zones. They learn about significant places in the United Kingdom and carry out fieldwork to discover how land is used in the locality.


We are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have, catch us on the gate in the morning or send us a private message via Class Dojo.


Oak Class Teaching Staff:

Miss Yesinkas and Mrs Whitmore
