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Kensworth CE Academy

With God by our side, we can move mountains

RE Curriculum Statement


Curriculum Rationale- considering what is taught and why?

At Kensworth CE Academy have spent time reviewing and thinking about our curriculum at the time of reviewing the school vision. We have considered the context of our school and the needs of our children and wider community. Our aim is to provide the children with exciting, relevant learning experiences, a greater knowledge of metacognition and developing growth mind set to increase aspirations in the multi- cultural society and world we live in. There are opportunities in the school and wider community; good links with the local Church and recent links with the Methodist Chapel that enhance the children’s experiences and learning.

At Kensworth, currently, we provide enrichment clubs and educational visits which include residential trip to Christian Youth Enterprise, CYE, Chichester and Green Park in Buckinghamshire, Three Faiths Tour Bedford, with a view to expanding visits to places of Worship in Luton and possibly Chesham. A Nurture group is available for selected children to increase awareness and management of emotions as well as improve social interactions.

What do we want for and from our children as learners: a good knowledge of living world faiths, the ability to use their skills in applying Christian values to their everyday life, narrative and ability to make connections, articulate and /……….To have leadership opportunities in aspects of school life, Collective Worship Group, School Council, Classroom Champions and Bishop of York’s School Leader ……..
To deliver high quality RE teaching as a Church of England School.

Our school vision is central to driving our curriculum, it is based on:

  1. Christian Values
  2. Represents a learning journey using the creation story and demonstrates how our children develop over time,
  3. Everyone achieving their full potential
  4. An inclusive environment promoting development through nurture and growth


Aspirational in outlook
Prepared for Life


What is the curriculum like and what we will see in lessons?

A two-year curriculum map based on the Bedfordshire RE Agreed Syllabus and incorporating Understanding Christianity Units shaped on the school’s vision. It is coherent and sequential allowing children to build on and retain their knowledge and understanding of concepts from EYFS to KS2. Enabling children to look at religion and belief systematically. Help children understand Christianity as a living and diverse faith. Allow children to explore spiritual and ethical issues. Kagan principles to be implemented as part of this, developing space retrieval techniques based on Rosenshine’s principles to support learning and ensure progress. It also shows the increasing challenge to assessment tasks. (Assessment is currently under review


  • Embed the knowledge and skills of RE through Kagan and space retrieval techniques. Use of values as part of everyday narrative for children.
  • To create an effective system for assessing pupils’ progress and attainment
  • To promote an awareness and understanding of the diversity of backgrounds within our school community, eg. through Diversity displays, events – eg, International Week/ in-school sports events
  • To invite staff/visitors from faiths and cultural backgrounds, eg Christian, Muslim to share insights about their beliefs.


How will you measure the impact of your curriculum?

  • Children are engaged showing increased participation, confidence and contributing to lessons offering thoughts to big questions, through discussion and debate. Demonstrating values through behaviour and interactions.
  • Pupils have developed an awareness, which they can articulate, about the diversity of faiths and people in the wider community.
  • End of year assessment children’s books showing attainment and progress.
  • Celebrating cultures and faiths provides links to our wider curriculum, British Values and knowledge of life ‘outside the village’.
  • Pupils will have developed the skills and knowledge required to prepare them for middle/secondary school. 