Saplings Class - Preschool
Mrs Kumar - Preschool Leader and Class Teacher
Mrs Melcescu - Preschool Assistant
A very warm welcome to Saplings Class.
In Saplings Class we have fun learning through play.
This half term our Value is
If your child shows the value at home let us know so this can be celebrated in school.
A little about Saplings Class
Our preschool children have their own purpose built classroom and we are lucky enough to have extensive grounds , so the children benefit from playing and learning in the outdoor classroom, the pencil garden, the forest school as well as getting to use all the play equipment on the playground and field.
Our Aims
* To provide the highest quality early care and education for each child, everyday.
* To nurture each child's unique qualities and potential
* To work in partnership with parents to help children to learn through play and develop mentally, physically and socially.
* To have as much fun as possible.
Our Themes this term are:
Autumn 1 - Long Ago
This project teaches children about how they have grown and changed since they were babies and how life in the past was different from today.
Summer 2 - Starry Night
This project explores the differences in the world at night compared to during the day. It teaches children about the importance of a good night’s sleep, and helps them to discover what is happening in the world while they are sleeping, including finding out about nocturnal animals.
Some of the books that we will be sharing throughout the Summer term are.....
Forest school Fun
Here at Kensworth Pre-school we offer Forest school sessions every week.
These sessions are led by our amazing, qualified forest school leader Mrs Whitmore. The children have the opportunity to make trails, climb and jump off trees, build dens, learn about nature, and work with their imaginations.
Oral health in early childhood.
Please find key information in the link below regarding tooth brushing programmes used in our setting and a list of dental practices in the area.
Things you may wish to know....
Grey trousers or shorts
White polo shirts
Red school logo jumper/cardigan
Grey/white/black socks
Sensible black shoes
Grey skirt/trousers/pinafore dresses
White polo shirts
Red school logo jumper/cardigan
Grey/white/black socks or tights
Sensible black shoes
Named water bottles should be in school daily
A bag of spare clothes, wipes, nappy bags, any nappies that are needed should be left in school and teachers will contact via class dojo if they need replenishing.
Class Dojo
Class Dojo can be downloaded as a free app onto any iphone or android phone.
The class teacher will send you a code using the given email address or mobile phone number for you to connect to your child's account. Class story will be used for any full class information or home learning activities the class teacher may set.
You will only be able to see your own child's portfolio of work and dojo points.