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Kensworth CE Academy

With God by our side, we can move mountains

English Curriculum Statement



How we teach reading and writing at Kensworth CE Academy?



  • At Kensworth CE Academy we believe in the importance of high quality teaching of phonics to enable every child to read. We are enthusiastic in promoting a love of reading within our school and want children to share the motivation and love of reading ensuring this continues beyond leaving Kensworth.
  • We believe the increase in word reading and comprehension skills across the different genres, increases the ability for children to access the wider curriculum therefore increasing confidence and raising aspirations of all children.
  • At Kensworth, we want to engage children in their writing, writing for different purposes and taking pride in their work. For the children to improve their writing, using a wide, varied and powerful vocabulary to engage and interest the reader.
  • For all children to communicate clearly and confidently using their improving vocabulary to articulate their thoughts, feelings and learning.
  • We intend to continue early intervention to support children, teaching and developing their speaking and listening skills.


  • Read Write Inc phonics program is followed across the whole school. Staff are supported and led by a reading leader and by an external advisor (half termly visits). CPD is developed during these sessions for teaching staff as well as through good communication throughout the school week. Use of Phonics display board and Read Write Inc video portals are updated to support staff with particular focuses/targets.
  • Children in EYFS and Year 1 are taught on the Read, Write Inc Phonics Program although, if children from Y2 – Y4 are assessed to require this level of learning, they are also taught on the RWI program.
  • Clear structure enables children to be taught in smaller groups to their ability rather than age, ensuring learning is targeted appropriately. Alongside this, Reception to Year 3 teach a daily afternoon ‘Speed Sounds’ lesson. Teachers leading phonics lessons are confident.
  • English is taught from Y2 - Y6 and is text based, engaging children and immersing them into exciting and captivating stories, introducing them to a wide vocabulary, which is evident in books.
  • Children are writing for different purposes and have received responses from a variety of famous/important people. Independent writing – DIY write (half termly) allows teachers to assess and moderate work internally.
  • No Nonsense Spelling is followed for children from Y2- Y6. Children who attend Read Write Inc, work on spellings, specific to the sounds that they are working on, in the lesson.
  • Teachers model a love of reading through class story time which takes place daily.
  • Reading areas have been created/developed in classes as well as the school library, inspiring children to engage with reading.
  • Home readers are regularly changed and reading activities are available, for KS2 to build on comprehension skills. VIPERS has been introduced to UKS2 (Autumn term 2020) and will be introduced in LKS2, spring term 2021.
  • Children in KS1 and KS2 are encouraged to take part in class debates, performances and to read aloud, to showcase and develop their oracy skills and vocabulary.
  • EYFS – has a writing/role play areas where children are witnessed to be actively choosing writing activities. As well as speaking and listening interventions for EYFS children to support/develop skills as well as modelling speaking correctly.


  • There is a growing love of reading amongst the children, evidenced in pupil voice answers, reading captured on the playground/during choose time as well as the enthusiasm for story time at the end of each day.
  • Phonics Screening Check results are showing an increase in pass rate.
  • Good progress made by children attending phonics sessions, shown in half termly assessments and children identified for 1-1 support, if needed.
  • We use a variety of formative and summative assessments such as: RWI Assessments, PIRAs, DIY Writes, teacher assessment and internal/external moderation.