Contact Details
Kensworth CE Academy
Common Road
Beds LU6 3RH
Phone: 01582 872336
Visit our Facebook Page - Kensworth CE Academy
Contact Us
Mrs Rooney is our office manager. She is the first point of contact for general queries or to arrange a tour of the school.
As a small school we only have one phone line, if it is busy please do call back or send an email. We aim to respond to all emails within 24 hours.
Head teacher: Mrs Sarah Bowley
Chair of Governors: Mr Tom Renphrey c/o
DSL: Mrs Sarah Bowley (Head Teacher) Mr Steven Wareham (Deputy Headteacher)
SENDCo: Mrs Sarah Bowley (Head Teacher)
Kensworth CE Academy is part of the Diocese of St Albans Multi Academy Trust (DSAMAT)
Diocese of St Albans Multi Academy Trust
c/o Manshead Academy
Dunstable Road
Part of the Diocese of St Albans Multi-Academy Trust (A Company Limited by guarantee) Registered in UK.
Company Registration number: 10449374
Registered Office: Manshead CE Academy, Dunstable Road, Caddington, Luton LU1 4BB
Parentmail, an electronic mailing system is used for most correspondence to parents. Please make sure we have your up to date email address, so that you do not miss any information sent out. If you are unable to access this system please let the office know and we will ensure you get paper copies of all information.
With regard to regular communications please check your child's book bag each week as we are trying to work in collaboration with yourselves as parents/carers and we do send some information via the children's book bags. Homework will now be shared on Class Dojo. Again, if you require a paper copy, please ask.