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Kensworth CE Academy

With God by our side, we can move mountains

Medical Information

First Aid

The majority of our staff have had first aid training and are able to take care of children who are hurt or unwell. If we have any concerns about your child we will contact you and may ask you to come to school to collect your child.


All incidents and accidents are recorded at school and your child will bring home a note to explain what happened and note any first aid that was given.



Accidents can happen and although we have first-aiders who can deal with minor cuts and bruises, we may make the decision to contact you to allow you to seek specialist help for more serious accidents.


It is important therefore, that we have up to date emergency phone numbers in case we need to contact you if your child is unwell or has an accident.


Checks at School

Routine height and weight checks are carried out when the children are in reception class. Also eye and hearing tests are carried out. You will be contacted prior to the checks and given the opportunity to have your child removed from the checks if you wish.



As inspections for headlice no longer take place we ask that you regularly check your child's hair. Unfortunately this is a common problem in all schools, particularly as headlice prefer clean hair! Leaflets on treatment can be obtained from the school office and by clicking on this link:


NHS Headlice Advice


If a case of headlice occurs in a class, all the parents of children in the class will be requested (by means of a letter home) to check and, if necessary, treat their child's hair.


We will also let individual parents know if we think their child is infected and advise on treatment. The School Nurse can also give advise and will do a home visit if required.



All medicines and inhalers must be taken to the school office and should be clearly named and labelled with instructions. Indemnity forms must be completed and signed, these can be obtained from the school office or by using the form below. We are legally only allowed to administer prescribed medicines.
