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Kensworth CE Academy

With God by our side, we can move mountains

Policies and Procedures

Following admission to the Diocese of St Albans Multi-Academy Trust (DSAMAT), Kensworth CE Academy will continue to use its existing policies, which will be updated as required, until such point that they are replaced by DSAMAT shared policies.

If you would like  a hard copy of any of the policies listed, please ask Mrs Rooney in the school office and she will print one for you. Please allow three working days to  get this organised for you, as for most school documents. A request for your child's school record will take fifteen working days. 


The Local Authority  (Central Bedfordshire) are  responsible  for the  admissions for the main school (Year R - Year 6). Please  click below to be taken to  the admissions page on our website which also gives information about admissions to our pre-school class.

Where there is not a link, the policy is available from the school office, please allow 5 working days. Thank you.

  • Fraud Policy DSAMAT February(updated with change of personnel Feb 21)