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Our school value this half term is Perseverance
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Kensworth CE Academy

With God by our side, we can move mountains

Christian Ethos


Church School

​Kensworth Church of England Academy is a small village school located in Central Bedfordshire, on the outskirts of Dunstable. Kensworth is part of the St Alban’s Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust, DSAMAT. The involvement of the Church commenced in 1853 with the installation of the original building which is still in use today.

The school has a duty to uphold its Trust Deed which encourages the school to maintain a distinctive ethos. The school enjoys a very special relationship with St Mary the Virgin Church, Kensworth. The Year 6 Leavers’ Service takes place at the Church, along with other services throughout the year that the whole school community are invited to attend. Reverend Nicola Lenthall visits the school on a regular basis and leads a monthly Collective Worship.

Kensworth has an active association with the Diocesan Board of Education. The Diocese and Multi-Academy Trust provide guidelines, information, resources, support and training relating to Church school concerning Christian character, RE and Collective Worship.  

​Collective Worship

Collective Worship at Kensworth is a highly valued time of the school day, where the whole school community gather together in a time that is honouring and worthy to God. During Collective Worship, our values provide opportunities for discussion about diversity, spiritual growth and development in our children and adults, demonstrated through the teachings of Jesus, stories from a range of cultures and backgrounds. The school uses the Christian Values of the ‘Roots and Fruits’ materials to add depth to the values teaching.

Each half term the theme of our Collective Worship is based on our value as well as the suggested themes set by the Diocese of St Albans. In addition, we link the festivals and seasons of the church calendar, to national celebrations and special days and enrich our whole school ethos.
The Christian character of our school positively contributes to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children by providing opportunities for them to learn about other people’s faiths, feelings and values during Collective Worship, including those planned by pupils, reflection times, RE lessons and extra-curricular activities.

We extend a warm welcome to Reverend Nicola to lead collective worship on a regular basis.  We also warmly welcome parents, carers and other family members to join us in our Special Services held at Mary the Virgin Church, Kensworth, school and the Methodist Chapel.

During our residential trip to Christian Youth Enterprise, CYE, Chidham, the children enjoyed Collective Worship on the boat and a night visit to the beach for a time of reflection. 

St Mary the Virgin Church, Kensworth
