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Kensworth CE Academy

With God by our side, we can move mountains

Uniform Information

Kensworth CE Academy School Uniform 


Pre- school (Saplings class)

School jumper or cardigan with a white polo shirt with their choice of trousers, shorts or skirts. 


Year R and Key Stage 1

White polo shirt
School red v-neck jumper/v-neck cardigan with school logo*
Grey trousers (grey shorts may be worn)
Grey skirt or pinafore (red and white checked dress for summer uniform only)
Black, grey or white socks and tights
Sensible black leather school shoes.
No shoes with heels and no trainers

Key Stage 2

White collared shirt
School red v-neck jumper or v-neck cardigan with school logo*
Grey trousers (grey shorts may be worn)
Grey skirt or pinafore (red and white checked dress for summer uniform only)
Black, grey or white socks and tights
Sensible black leather school shoes.
No shoes with heels and no trainers

PE Kit

We ask children to come to school wearing their PE clothes on PE days. 

Black shorts
White round neck T shirt
White socks
Black plimsolls or trainers
Black tracksuit for outdoor games in cold weather

Other items

Named water bottle

Named snack pot (for fruit or vegetables ) 

A weather appropriate coat with a hood - children do go out to play in all weathers.

A named, waterproof bag such as a rucksack.

School book bags with the school logo are available.


Jewellery should not be worn or brought into school.
ONE pair of discreet studs may be worn. These MUST be removed at home on PE days.

An analogue or digital watch may be worn, but no smart watches.
No other body piercings are allowed.

Hair should be one natural colour. No hair dye.
Long hair MUST be tied back
Hair should be no shorter than Grade 2.
Tramlines, patterns and sculpting are not allowed.
Hair bands and fastenings should be in school colours and should not be overly large.

Pupils must NOT wear:

Hoodies, sportswear or sweatshirts.
Leather or denim clothing
Trainers are NOT allowed to be worn at any time other than for PE lessons and clubs.
Make up and nail varnish should NOT be worn to school
