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Our school value this half term is Perseverance
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Kensworth CE Academy

With God by our side, we can move mountains

Home Learning Links

We thought it would be easier to have links that your children will be directed to by their teacher (or for you to use with them yourselves) all in one place.

All of the links/programs are free to use. Either the school has purchased them, they are free or they are offering free temporary access for home learning. In this case, please look  carefully for codes that may need to be entered.

Set 1 speed sounds at 9:30am and again at 12:30pm
Set 2 speed sounds at 10:00am and  again at 1:00pm
Set 3 speed sounds at 10:30am and again at 1:30pm

Username: jan21
Password: home

For US sites the year groups are different. You will need to use the following:

Reception = Pre-Kindergarten,
Year 1 = Kindergarten,
Year 2 = 1st Grade
Year 3 = 2nd Grade
Year 4 = 3rd Grade
Year 5 = 4th Grade
​Year 6 = 5th Grade

White Rose Maths
Click on the year group below to link to the learning videos and resources.

Staying Active at Home

Child's Mental Health

Children's mental health - explaining Coronavirus to children and young people:
