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Kensworth CE Academy

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Phonics & early reading

Yr 1 Parents' Workshop - Phonics Screening Check

​At Kensworth, we believe that it is important that the children read for pleasure as well as during their learning. Reading books that they enjoy not only increases their confidence and understanding of stories, but also their vocabulary.

Stories allow children and adults to escape to places out of reach, in the depths of our imaginations we can meet mysterious or funny characters, visit unusual places and even travel through time.
As the author Dr Seuss stated, "You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book."

​In order for children to enjoy reading themselves, they need the skills to support them. In September 2018, we introduced the phonics programme, Read Write Inc. We teach this fun and interactive programme starting in Pre-School, teaching single letter sounds, using pictures and rhymes up to the end of Key Stage 1, progressing onto reading all 40+ phonemes, including, where applicable, alternative sounds for graphemes. Children will then use their phoneme knowledge to segment and blend familiar and unfamiliar words, building pace and fluency.

 If children in Key Stage 2 still experience difficulties with their phonic knowledge, they will take part in the Read Write Inc sessions or be supported using the Fresh Start intervention programme.

Read Write Inc Coverage

Children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 are taught on the Read, Write Inc (RWI)  Phonics Scheme. The children are regularly assessed and grouped according to their stage of learning not their year group. If children from Year 3-4 are assessed to require this level of learning, they are also taught on the RWI scheme as extra lessons in addition to English lessons using the Fresh Start programme. 

This is a  fun and  interactive phonics scheme that with the help of 'Fred' the Frog, gets  everyone reading quickly and confidently.  

Take a look at the videos and documents below to learn more about RWI and phonics.

Reading should be a special and enjoyable time for both you and your children, sharing stories and talking about your favourite books.

Here at Kensworth, we are passionate about reading and enabling every child in our school to be a successful reader.


Phonics in KS2

If children in Key Stage 2 experience difficulty in reading and/or writing because they have missed, or misunderstood, a crucial phase of systematic phonics teaching, additional resources can, and will be, used to support them.
